About Us

Twenty years ago a similar program launched in the UK. Last year, the UK health system anticipated serving 900,000 people with social prescribing.

Prescription for
the Arts

How it works: Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs identifies youth who may be interested in exploring the arts as a method for working through mental health issues. Undiscovered Earth’s care navigator finds the right program to match their needs and arranges all the details including transportation, food, translation services and aides when needed. Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs will measure emotional levels at the beginning and end of the arts experience for youth.

Prescription for the Arts is a program modeled on ‘Arts on Prescription: a Field Guide for US Communities’ created by Mass Cultural Council – Center for Arts in Medicine.

Our program is a partnership with Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs between Undiscovered Earth, who will act as the connector with local arts, culture and nature organizations in order to match clients with resources that support their short and long-term health needs.

Social Prescribing


Social prescribing is happening in the UK, Canada and in the United States. Physicians, psychologists, social workers and others are prescribing singing classes for stress, museum visits and concert tickets for anxiety and nature walks for burnout, offering prevention and intervention


“The arts are like a secret language for children,”

Abigail Unger
from the book
Your Brain on Arts


lowers stress,
improves emotional regulation,
enhances immune function,
increases cardiovascular reactivity

and that’s just the beginning….

PftA is a partnership between Undiscovered Earth & Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs

At Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs, we are committed to providing comprehensive and scientifically current medical care to infants, children and adolescents through the age of  18 in a caring and supportive environment, while keeping the costs of healthcare affordable. Our practice is dedicated to providing your family with quality care by assuring that each patient receives individualized, personalized attention. Our goal is to be partners with our parents to help raise healthy children, both physically and emotionally. We are known for honesty and integrity; for quality medical care; and for treating our patients with respect and courtesy. We are a team of skilled professionals who take pride in our work.

Bridging Community, Culture and Art
Undiscovered Earth supports creativity in NW Colorado so artists can live, work and thrive.

At Undiscovered Earth we know the importance of collaboration.

For each project we take on we ask ourselves:

Is there a need?
Who does this serve?
What are the benefits to the arts? To individual creatives?
What are the benefits to the community?
Does another organization doing this type of work have the capacity take this on?

We check in with our partners in the community to understand their goals and objectives so that we are filling in gaps instead of repeating or competing with work that is already being done.